Awards and Recognitions
TES was named a Title 1 Reward School for the 22-23 school year.

Georgia Technology State Competition - 2nd Place
West Georgia RESA Regional Competition - First Place
Carroll County Schools Technology Competition - First place winners Daniel Bosque and Jace Howard

West Georgia RESA Regional Competition - Second Place
Carroll County Schools Technology Competition - First place winners Vito Rogers and Judd Weaver

West Georgia RESA Regional Competition - Second Place
Carroll County Schools Technology Competition - First place winners Sofiah Curlee and Audrey Lak

Carroll County Schools Technology Competition - Second Place Halia Huynh and Deacon Fulmer

Carroll County Schools Technology Competition - Third Place Aiden Gibbs

4th grade teacher, Ms. Hollie Williams recently presented to the Carroll County Farm Bureau Board meeting to discuss Temple Elementary’s STEM and Ag in the Classroom plans, itemized budget, and timeline. The board was so impressed that they voted to support our school and Ms. Williams in this initiative. The Carroll County Farm Bureau gave TES $2500 to help fund our school wide National STEM Ag Initiative, as well as sponsored Ms. Williams’ registration to attend a Women in Agriculture Leadership Conference in November.

Temple Elementary achieved District STEM Certification in the Spring of 2023. The next step for TES is National STEM Certification!

Ms. Hollie Williams was recognized as one the 2023 Community Impact Grant recipients from the Community Foundation of West Georgia. Ms. Williams and Temple Elementary were the only teacher/school receiving this $3000 grant in the Education division! Ms. Williams plans on using this grant to continue to build our Agriculture program. Congratulations Ms. Williams! It’s a great day to be a tiger!

Temple Elementary School was name a National Junior Beta Club School of Merit.